Assurance of Pardon: Grace for Paul & Grace for You

Paul is an object lesson of the grace of God to the people of God. 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul calls himself the chief of sinners— and he means this. He’s not exaggerating for dramatic effect. He explains why he is justly called the chief of sinners— because he persecuted the church of God. When Jesus confronts Paul on the Damascus Road, Christ’s charge against him is, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4) His acts of persecution against the church struck against Christ himself. His murderous thoughts he was breathing out against the church were in fact against the person of Jesus Christ himself.

But after having held the coats of those who stoned Stephen, systematically plotted murder against the church, and assaulted Christ himself, the merciful Savior appears to Paul, convicts him, converts him, and repurposes him to proclaim a marvelous gospel of grace. Paul says it was “for this reason” that he found mercy: “that Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in him for eternal life.”  (1 Tim. 1:16) As the people of God who come from many different backgrounds, many different walks of life, with much baggage, and much evil we have personally repented of, our Lord Jesus Christ offers his own saving work in the life of Paul as proof that Christ Jesus did come into the world to save sinners. For having confessed with Paul your sin today, you are promised here that the Lord shows you mercy and lifts you from your knees as a demonstration of his perfect patience. If you do not have this grace, mercy, and patience, then neither does Paul. If this grace cannot cover the chief of sinners, how can it cover anyone in the league of sinners?  And if it covers Paul, then it covers all those who make his same confession and believe the trustworthy statement that Christ came to save sinners.

So grace for the chief of them who trusts in Christ is salvation for all of them who trust in Christ. Brothers & Sisters in the Lord, believe this gospel and rejoice in the hope of eternal life!